This girl was one of the cutest, big brown eyed, sexiest bitches I've ever had the pleasure of conning, so for her to disappear like that, and a year on my dick still twitched thinking of her amazing cock sucking talent, I had to face facts that she had gone. Sure I had other local girls on the go, that was buying my bullshit and Lucy was still around. Then out of the blue Abbi called me to explain why she had gone. Now I'm going to be honest I was ready to do a little dance that this fucking sex pot was calling me up wanting to continue what we started. But I decided to play it cool. I couldn't let her know that deep down I was gutted because I hadn't pounded her pussy in over a year. So I played it cool, direct and in a way you wouldn't expect. I told her I was too busy I didn't have the audition tapes and that I wasn't going to risk my time being wasted any more and hung up...