Jacky had her assistant decorate a room for work. She did not like the decorations and was very angry about the way everything came out. Once the assistant got back, she began yelling at him. She told him the decorations were awful and she told him to take notes on how to fix it. He began taking notes as she was explaining what she wanted changed. He was doodling a drawing of her huge tits as she talked. She looked at the picture and screamed for him to pay attention. Finally, she had enough and stuffed his face in her enormous tits. He was paying attention now. She decided to have some fun with him. She teased him with her luscious curves and colossal tits. She revealed a sexy lingerie outfit under her clothing. She slapped his face around with those giant jugs and hopped on his cock. She got her pussy pounded and got man juice all over those huge tits.
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