4598 views 2 months ago
Streetwalker Alexis Silver doesn't need a studio or an office to conduct business, thus saving overhead expenses. With her prime real estate locations on various street corners, she also gets plenty of fresh air and vitamin-D producing sunshine, essential for strong bones so she can twist her luscious body into unusual fucking positions. She doesn't need office furniture or accessories. All she needs is a hot outfit and heels, and a place to keep the revenues she collects from her accounts. This is one smart and busty girl. After asking the all-purpose question, "What do you have in mind?" Alexis agrees to meet Mr. Doe at a nearby couples resort for further discussions. The room Alexis picks has a swanky Grecian or Roman temple theme with a luxurious tub, a fitting place to worship dick as the god it is to females. Alexis has good taste.


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