737 views 2 months ago
Lives: San Jose, California; Occupation: House sitter; Age: 21; Born: August 23; Ht: 5'0"; Wt: 100 pounds; Bras: 34B; Panties: Depends on the outfit; Anal: Never done it; BJs: I always spit; Masturbate: When I'm bored. "It's really sexy when a man knows what he's doing in the bedroom," Mila told us. "Unfortunately, the boys in my town suck! I've never had an orgasm from a boy. So, since I don't date much, I get bored easily, and when I'm bored I masturbate. That means that I watch a lot of porn, and that's how I found your website. I thought to myself, 'I could do that.' I'm cuter than some of the girls on your website, so I knew that wouldn't be an issue. With this check you're giving me, I'm going to spend a week in San Francisco and try to find a cute guy who knows what he's doing."


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