1157 views 1 year ago
In this cinematic tour de force, we finally find out what happened behind closed doors in the classic 1967 movie The Graduate. Of course, we know that Mrs. Robinson, played by Anne Bancroft (who was only 36 at the time), has sex with the recently-graduated college student Benjamin Braddock, played by Dustin Hoffman (who was actually a lot older than he looked). We know that she sucked his cock and gave him the fuck of his life. How do we know this when it was never shown on-camera? Well, he kept coming back for more until (and this never made any sense to us) he fell for Mrs. Robinson's daughter. What kind of idiot trades hot sex with a MILF for boring sex with a 20-year-old? Well, leave it to Hollywood to fuck everything up. Once in a while, they get things right, such as in American Pie, and Summer of '42, but most of the time, Hollywood directors and producers have no idea what men want. Hmmm...deep-throat blow jobs from MILF Mrs.


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