Leah L'Amour is 64 years old. She's a mother and a grandmother. She's also a wife, and she and her lucky husband are swingers. The story of how they became swingers is pretty entertaining. "He always wanted a threesome, like a lot of guys do, and so I tried to do a birthday surprise for him and tried to get another girl to do a threesome, but back then, society wasn't quite as open to things, and I almost ended up in jail over it," Leah said. Jail? "I was calling escort sites, and I was asking them if I could hire a girl to be in a threesome with us, and they said, 'No, we don't do that.' So, to make a long story short, I didn't get it put together, but he always wanted to do this, so five years ago, he said, 'Why don't we look for a threesome again?' so we started looking, which brought us to the swingers sites, and that's how we ended up getting into the swinger lifestyle." For the record, Leah and her hubby still haven't had their threesome.