If you think you have a shot at snookering Demmy Blaze on the pool table, think again. Demmy can't be hustled. She will hooter-hustle you. You won't be able to keep your eyes on the felt while she takes over and you will scratch over and over again. But then, you knew that from the start. Demmy doesn't often play pool but when she does, she really knows how to rack 'em up and work that table...for example, when Demmy climbs on the table and swings her naked boobs from side-to-side, her stiff nipples just lightly brushing against the felt. Handling a pool cue and knocking balls into pockets isn't one of Demmy's favorite hobbies. Taking selfies is, and this busty beauty is an expert at it. Not just selfies of her pretty face or big tits but her ass too. We'll be seeing how she does it in another video. M.F. had this to say about Demmy, "I absolutely love the fact that Demmy didn't expose her naked pussy.