When last we saw lovely Angel Wicky, she was a visiting nurse examining the cock of a patient and draining his balls of spunk. Angel was named well. She truly is an angel. SCORELAND: If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Angel Wicky: That's a secret! But my biggest wish is that everything would go as great as it goes now. SCORELAND: What is something you have tried but will never do again? Angel Wicky: Free-fall on a rope while rock climbing and then climbing back up! That was a pretty strong feeling and my clit almost died because of the ropes around my tights. Never again! SCORELAND: What superpower would you like to have for one day? Angel Wicky: I always dreamed about flying. That would be amazing! And transforming into a unicorn! Or an Alicorn [a winged unicorn] would be even better. SCORELAND: Do you attend the European porn expos, such as Venus? Angel Wicky: From time to time. It depends on if I have more important things to attend to and how the expo looks and works.
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